Battling Weeds in the Summer: Challenges and Solutions for Lawn Care

Maintaining a lush, green lawn can be a challenge, especially during the scorching summer months when rain is scarce. Both homeowners and businesses face unique difficulties in weed control during these conditions. High temperatures and drought not only complicate weed management but also increase the risk of herbicide damage. But what exactly are weeds? 

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Top Watering Practices for Georgia's Scorching Summer

Maintaining a vibrant, healthy lawn or garden throughout Georgia's scorching summer months requires strategic watering practices. As the relentless sun beats down and temperatures soar, proper hydration becomes paramount for your lawn's survival and vitality. 

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Identifying and Combatting 3 Top Georgia Lawn Diseases

Georgia is known for its hot and humid summers, creating perfect conditions for fungi and other lawn diseases. Every Georgia lawn is susceptible to turf disease. The best way to prevent severe outbreaks is by promoting healthy growth through proper mowing and watering practices throughout the summer months.

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Beat the Heat: Tips for Avoiding Drought Stress on Your Lawn This Summer

Summer in Georgia can be tough on your lawn. With blazing temperatures and occasional drought conditions, it's essential to take proactive steps to keep your grass healthy and vibrant. At AgroPro, we understand the challenges that come with maintaining a lush lawn during the summer months. Here are some expert tips to help you avoid drought stress and keep your lawn looking its best. 

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Unlocking a Lusher Lawn in Georgia with Core Aeration

As summer approaches and you begin to envision a lush, vibrant lawn, it's crucial to consider not just what you can see, but also what lies beneath. At AgroPro, we understand that the secret to a healthy lawn starts from the ground up—literally. That's why we're diving deep into core aeration, a key practice that can transform your lawn from lackluster to luxurious.

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Is Your Lawn Dead or Just Dormant?

While we are beyond winter months and cold temperatures here in Georgia, you may have noticed that these late Spring days are not as harsh as they have been in years past. Believe us, the hot days will come, but this slight delay in warming up may be impacting your lawn's ability to "wake up". 

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Groundhog Day: What to Expect for Your Lawn with More Winter or an Early Spring

Today, February 2nd, marks the 137th Groundhog Day! Since the original prediction in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania in 1887, the aptly-named "Punxsutawney Phil" has only been correct about the coming weather patterns around 39% of the time. 

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Your 2024 Ultimate Lawn Care Calendar

With the arrival of a brand new year there's no better time than the present to get started on planning out essential care for your lawn for 2024! A well-kept and lush lawn doesn't sprout up overnight, it requires year-round effort to maintain growth, prevent disease and more. From those hot summer days to the cold winter nights, check out our ulti...

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Understanding the Connection Between Weather & Lawn Disease

When you picture your lawn at its peak of health, you think about the grass being warm, vibrantly green and soft to the touch. What we do not often picture are rough, bare spots or unsightly discoloration due to lawn disease.

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Conquering Winter Weeds: Why You Need a Pro to Protect Your Lawn

As winter starts to fall over Metro Atlanta and North Georgia, many homeowners may be tempted to put their lawn care routines on hold. However, this is a crucial time to address the issue of winter weeds, which, contrary to popular belief, can be particularly persistent and detrimental to the health of your lawn year-round.

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Soil Compaction 101

Oftentimes, when you think of your lawn's overall health, you might jump to aspects like the color, blade length, or even the presence of bare spots. Well, just like any other plant you have in your garden, the health of the soil underneath your grass plays a huge role in your lawn's health! 

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Your Guide to Recovering From Freezing Temperatures

Here in Georgia, the weather can be, at times, unpredictable to say the least. Just before we rang in the new year, areas of Metro Atlanta and North Georgia were seeing temperatures in the low teens, with wind chill making it feel even colder. 

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Preventing the Arrival of Crabgrass

Weeds can be very troublesome in any yard, and when weed growth can blend in with the grass itself, you may feel unsure about what action you can really take. One weed that behaves in this way are known as annual grasses.
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Your 2023 Lawn Care Calendar

Caring for your lawn and garden involves so much more than just mowing and watering, and taking those extra steps to ensure root health and promote growth makes all the difference. Most of the time, actions you can take to improve your lawn's growth and color need to take place regularly, and before the growing season. 

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Tackling Bare Spots in Your Fescue

One of the most frustrating things to see in your lawn is a bare spot. Patchy areas where the grass just doesn't seem to grow can happen for a couple of reasons, and fixing them isn't nearly as difficult as you may think. 

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3 Ways to Tackle Leaf Removal

Here in Georgia, we are surrounded by trees, which really just means that by mid-autumn, our lawns are covered in a blanket of crunchy brown and orange leaves. Now, as much as we love this scenery, people typically don't want their lawns, driveways, sidewalks, and streets covered in leaves for too long.

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Caring for Your Lawn During the Fall Months

As the weather begins to cool and leaves start to fall from the trees, you may notice that your grass growth is slowing before your lawn becomes dormant through the winter months. While things may be progressing slowly on the growth side, it's still important to keep up with your lawn so that it will continue to flourish in those high-growth months. Here are a few tips for taking care of your lawn as it begins to cool:

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Why Turf Painting?

In the Southeast, warm-season grasses (Bermuda and Zoysia) enter dormancy when temperatures begin to drop below 50 degrees, typically in the late fall, and remain dormant until temperatures warm up again. While warm-season lawns are dormant, they lose their green color and turn yellowish-brown. If you are tired of the dull appearance of your dormant lawn, we have a solution! The Agropro team is excited to offer turf painting to make your lawn look great through the holidays and into the new year.

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Dog Urine Spots: How to Fix Your Lawn

Dogs are said to be man's best friend, and understandably so. However, the love we have for animals doesn't eliminate the frustration that can come from early wake-up calls, the constant begging for food, overall maintenance, and the dreaded urine spots on your lawn. Now don't forget, your pup can't help it – it's just how they were made. We also understand that spots on your lawn might not be ideal, so keep reading for some tips on how to fix and prevent urine spots, with a few tips for your pup too!  

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  1862 Hits

5 Weeds That Look Like Grass

If your grass is green, what does it matter if it's a combination of grass and weeds that look like grass? No harm, no foul – right? Not quite. Weeds compete for air, water, and nutrients, giving the good grass less of a chance to thrive and opening it up to disease and insect infestation. Though it may be just a few weeds to start with, they quickly take over your lawn and kill off your desirable grass before you know it. That's why it's important to know about the different types of weeds that find their way into your yard and disguise themselves as grass. 

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